Laut einer Mail der EGMR-Pressestelle an eine ungarische Online-Zeitung hat der EGMR letzte Woche eine Abschiebung von Österreich von Ungarn vorübergehend untersagt:
Dear Sir, Thank you for your email. We can confirm that last week the Court decided to apply Rule 39 (interim measures) of the Rules of Court temporarily and asked for factual information from the Austrian Government in a case concerning a Syrian national facing removal from Austria to Hungary. Interim measures are urgent measures which, according to the Court’s well-established practice, apply only where there is an imminent risk of irreparable harm. Such measures are decided in connection with proceedings before the Court without prejudging any subsequent decisions on the admissibility or merits of the case in question.With best wishes, ECHR – Press Unit
Update: Es handelt sich sogar um zwei Fälle aus Österreich, bei denen von EMGR von der „Rule 39“ Gebrauch gemacht hat.
Download Entscheidung I (9.9.2015)
Download Entscheidung II (14.9.2015)